Herman van Veen – Cd’s


Herman van Veen - Zolang de voorraad strekt / NL cdAlbum title: Zolang de voorraad strekt

Label: Polydor

Catalogue: 831 706-2

Format:  Album

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 1987



Herman van Veen - Blauwe plekken / NLAlbum title: Blauwe plekken

Label: Polydor

Catalogue: 843 087-2

Format:  Album

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 1989



Herman van Veen - Blaue flecken / Germany cdAlbum title: Blaue flecken

Label: Polydor

Catalogue: 841 435-2

Format:  Album

Country: Germany

Year: 1989




IMG_0003Album title: In vogelvlucht

Label: Harlekijn

Catalogue: 833 240-2

Format:  Cd, compilation

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 1987



Herman van Veen - A souvenir / NL cdAlbum title: A souvenir

Label: Harlekijn

Catalogue: 847 337-2

Format:  Cd, compilation

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 1990



IMG_0003Album title: In vogelvlucht 2

Label: Harlekijn

Catalogue: 511 288-2

Format:  Cd, compilation

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 1991



IMG_0051Album title: Nu en dan

Label: Polydor

Catalogue: 559 089-2

Format:  2x Cd, compilation

Country: Germany (for Dutch market)

Year: 1998


Album title: 100

Label: Universal

Catalogue: 271 953-1

Format:  5x Cd, compilation

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 2009



cd singles



IMG_0001Title: De clowns

Label: Harlekijn

Catalogue: 871 135-2

Format: Cd single cardsleeve

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 1988